Hands-on Training

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here, we’re posting trips and experiences that help you prepare for long-term service as a global worker: You’ll be ready to go there, serve Him, and love them even better.

These experiences will change your life! Looking for

  • a great hands-on practical internship?
  • an experience to stretch you to the next level of involvement in global service?
  • A challenge worth pouring your heart into?

Of the many options out there, we’ve vetted and heartily recommend these. Consider them carefully. Prayerfully. Then–step out.

We’re so excited, we could just spit.

CAFE 1040

Cafe 1040 exists to help mobilize the next generation of missionaries to the 3.1 billion people have little to no access to the story of Jesus. We invite young adults to come walk alongside long-term missionaries to see what their life could look like telling the story of Jesus among an unreached people group.

Curious what this adventure would look like?


For future global workers, Global Frontier Missions offers a training school with classroom plus hands-on experience while living in heavy refugee or international apartment complexes.

Picture yourself in this hands-on training. Click here.

Radius International

Radius International provides training to those wishing to plant churches among unreached people groups in a pioneer context. This pre-field training equips cross-cultural workers to partner with Jesus Christ to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached people groups.

Could this be your next step? Get more details here.

World Race

The World Race is an 11-country, 11-month mission trip to share the love of Jesus and serve others around the world.

Interested? Grab more info here.