Free UPG Printable Infographic: Pray for Muslims!

5 years ago

Fact: According to the Joshua Project, the world's population of Muslims is estimated at over 1.8 billion. (With a "B.")…

Building Faithful Partners for Hard Places

5 years ago

By Rebecca Skinner Today, we’re excited to hear again from Rebecca Skinner. She’s an MK and  adult TCK from Central…

3 Tips for Moving Your Family Overseas

5 years ago

We’re excited to welcome back global veteran David Armstrong. He’s set foot in 15 countries, and confesses that Crepes and Waffles in Bogota, Colombia…

6 Missions Verses to Lift Your Head [Printable]

5 years ago

The gray of February has descended on many of you, and maybe you're wondering if death-by-fundraising-and-passport-application is a thing. But…

“What should I do about my debt?”

5 years ago

You want to go overseas--but GAH. Debt. From college. Medical stuff. Whatever--it's money, and you're not headed overseas for the…

2019 Best Posts of the Year as You Look Overseas

5 years ago

We really like you people. In 2019, readers from 142 countries visited Go. Serve. Love. (Hear that? God is moving.…