5 [Printable] Missions Scriptures to Memorize You Probably Don’t Know

6 years ago

The journey overseas gets long, belabored with details and fundraising and emotions that somehow resemble peppering by a paintball gun.…

Your Career, Globally: “How can I use my arts degree overseas?”

6 years ago

Tim Keller writes, The Church needs artists because without art we cannot reach the world. The simple fact is that the…

Meet an Agency: One Challenge

6 years ago

We heart this new, ongoing series–a little cup o' joe with organizations to help you go there, serve Him, and…

7 Ways to Pray for Your Journey Overseas (Free Printable Infographic!)

6 years ago

When I headed overseas, I was drowning in cardboard boxes, spreadsheets of to-do's, and fundraising meetings. So many, I was…