When You’re Scared of Moving Your Family Overseas

2 years ago

Recently, someone asked me about our move to Uganda. Did we have all our kids over there? they wondered. "No,…

Janel’s Story: When Helping Hurts (You)

2 years ago

The phone connection sounded a bit like Oliver, one of my closest Ugandan friends, was crushing newspapers on the other…

Jeff’s Story: Life Lessons for a Better “Fruit Salad”

3 years ago

My family and I served six years in Guatemala when I became aware nearly all the songs sung in churches…

Reverse Culture Shock: My Story

3 years ago

Reverse culture shock is real. Each time I return back to the States, I feel like a perfect stranger once…

Marketplace missions: 4.13 billion reasons to consider

3 years ago

Go. Serve. Love's always pretty hyped to share marketplace-missions-related stories and thoughts from Marketplace & Development Enterprises, an organization providing business, vocational,…

Flying with Kids Internationally: 25 Tips

3 years ago

Editor’s Note: This piece originally appeared on Rebecca Hopkins’ blog, Borneo Wife, when she and her husband served in Indonesia.…

Discipleship, Personal Training, & Tomatoes: Don’t Miss This

3 years ago

A couple of my kids have recently joined the other two in pursuing some personal fitness goals. So y’know, that’s…

What happens if overseas = failure?

3 years ago

Thursdays were my day. I'd scoop up the hodgepodge of visual aids I'd amassed for my classes, grab the projector…