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Wondering if BAM or B4T could be a good fit?

What’s all the hype about BAM and B4T?

For starters–4.13 billion reasons. And those aren’t dollar signs.

That’s the number of people around the world completely unreached with the hope of Jesus Christ. The need, supply, and access are simply too great for traditional missions efforts alone.

And contrary to what you may have heard, going to an unreached people group doesn’t have to be scary or dangerous. You could be working for Google in Kyrgistan, or popping up a coffee shop in a European city flooded with unreached immigrants.

So we’ve compiled our best resources on BAM to help you…well, yeah. Go. Serve. Love.

(Bonus: If traditional missions fundraising raises your eyebrows, BAM can potentially circumvent typical funding needs.)

First, explore:

Why marketplace missions? 4.13 billion reasons

And you might try

our FREE BAM and B4t self-assessment!

Then, keep poking through the posts below. We trust God will get you right where he wants you.

Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur in BAM?

#1 Marketplace Myth: “Missions” is for missionaries 

#2 Marketplace Missions Myth: BAM takes away from “ministry”

#3 Marketplace Missions Myth: Reaching the Unreached=Alone and Scary 

Meet an Agency: MDE–regularly posting 50+ BAM JOB openings

What Could I Do with a Business Degree in Overseas Missions?

Meet an Agency: Christar