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Free Mental Health Assessment (this month only!) before you go overseas

Here at Go. Serve. Love, we offer you four free self-assessements–and have encouraged you openly to see a counselor before you head overseas.

The stress as you head overseas is real–and a number of major sending organizations have decided to make a mental health assessment part of their application process. Your mental wellness and resilience have significant implications on the effectiveness of your ministry–and your longevity overseas.bestofthebestfriday mental healthbestofthebestfriday mental health

So we’re pretty stinkin’ happy that Godspeed Resources for THIS MONTH ONLY, is offering free initial mental health assessments to global workers who complete an intake form during the month of May. We’re already halfway through the month…so grab an appointment right. Now.

Source: Brigada

50+ Business-as-Mission Job opportunities available right now

We kid you not. Check out the list here. Don’t lose sight of the mind-blowing possibilities to get into unreached countries by taking an “ordinary” job!

Source: BAM Review

The Information Leading to A Thai Revival: Great Info if You’re Asia-Bound

It’s possible you missed the recent Christianity Today cover article about a revival sweeping Thailand. The reason? Thanks to the data of all-grown-up missionary kid Dwight Martin, Thai pastors realized just how many of their neighbors had no Christians living among them. CT reports,

So after Martin’s report, [the pastors] did something the researcher had never seen before: Each church pledged, on the spot, how many people they’d lead to Christ before his next visit in about two months.

By the time Martin made his way back…the FJCCA leaders had far exceeded their goals, starting 74 house churches and converting 782 people in just 54 days.

Check out the Global Harvest website that’s shaking up Asia and laying out the need, neighborhood by neighborhood.

Source: Christianity Today and Brigada

In 2060: 6 African Countries Anticipated to be in top 10 Christian-populated Nations

You read that right. By 2060, the Pew Research Center expects these countries to be the top ten countries with the largest Christian populations. (Spoiler: Africa already has more Christians than any other continent.)

Keep in mind that identifying as Christian does not mean the Gospel has permeated any of our hearts–but this information is important as we seek to understand what God’s doing in the world.

What’s this tell us about missions trends? Al Mohler postulates–and points out what is obviously missing from the top ten: Any European nations.

Source: Al Mohler, The Briefing

What to Know Before You Go

Amy Medina offers great advice just for the likes of you in her post “What to Know before You Go” on Medina writes,

Let’s say you are boarding a transatlantic flight and hear, “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen; this is your pilot speaking. I’m 21 years old, and I’m excited to tell you that this is my first commercial flight! But don’t you worry; I’ve flown my Daddy’s crop duster at least a half dozen times. What I don’t have in experience or education, I make up with passion. I’m just about as willing as they come; my heart is practically bursting with willingness! Now buckle up your seatbelts; we’ll be off as soon as I find that user’s manual.”

I don’t know about you, but I’d be out of that plane faster than a fried egg off a Teflon pan.

Yet sometimes we approach missions in the same way. Willing hearts filled with passion are awesome, but they are not enough.

What do you need to know? Don’t miss Ms. Medina’s take.



Go. Serve. Love

After seven years on staff with Cru, Janel and her husband packed up their family of six to--yup, Go. Serve. Love in Uganda with Engineering Ministries International (EMI). EMI focuses on poverty relief and development, providing structural design and construction management for Christian organizations in the developing world. After 5.5 years there in East Africa, Janel and her family recently schlepped back to the U.S., where they keep working on behalf of the poor. She writes and loves on her family from Colorado. You can find more of her ideas for practical spirituality and loving each other at

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Go. Serve. Love

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