Missed Part I? Grab it here! "I wish I'd known how hard it really is." I would have gotten more…
Color me surprised: Until this year, I had no idea Japan was the second-largest (only to Bangladesh) unreached people group…
Is Missions a Joke? Answering the Critics There are some well-aimed critiques being leveled at global work lately, which may…
All this isn't just talk: We want you to actually go there--and experience serving Him and loving them well. Enter…
Imagine we're sitting down at that great little nook of a coffee shop downtown: matcha latte for me, triple espresso…
Today Go. Serve. Love is pumped to welcome back Rachel Pieh Jones--marathon runner, camel rider, mom, cookbook author of Djiboutilicious,…
Today Go. Serve. Love is stoked to welcome Rachel Pieh Jones--a marathon runner, a camel rider, a cookbook author of…
Today we're ushering in Donna Williams to introduce our first #BestoftheBestFriday! Fun facts about Donna : She once lived in…
We're excited to welcome back global veteran David Armstrong. He's set foot in 15 countries, and confesses that Crepes and Waffles in…
Here at GSL, we're all about bringing you tools you can use to truly go there, serve Him, and love…