emotionally healthy missions

On Sharing the Wins Overseas–and Ideas to Do It Well

"And that," I told the refugee students in front of me--tears hovering in my eyes as my hands lowered after…

2 years ago

Betrayal in Ministry

. By Anonymous Perhaps in moving overseas, even possibly working with Christians for the first time, hope fills your sails.…

2 years ago

Janel’s Story: When Helping Hurts (You)

The phone connection sounded a bit like Oliver, one of my closest Ugandan friends, was crushing newspapers on the other…

3 years ago

Reverse Culture Shock: My Story

Reverse culture shock is real. Each time I return back to the States, I feel like a perfect stranger once…

3 years ago

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Overseas

The news sat heavy in my stomach: the weight of sadness, wishing the situation could be different. I'd just heard…

3 years ago