
The Magi & Your Path Abroad: “We Have Come to Worship Him”

Wise men. There's a lot of beautiful mystery in the story of the magi. I picture camel hooves sponging a…

2 years ago

Flying with Kids Internationally: 25 Tips

Editor’s Note: This piece originally appeared on Rebecca Hopkins’ blog, Borneo Wife, when she and her husband served in Indonesia.…

2 years ago

Unshakable Truth as You Head Overseas (PRINTABLE)

We get it. The journey to overseas missions can feel like you're trying to build a plane midair. With a…

3 years ago

Goodbye Again: Memos from (Another) Transition

Editor's note: Anyone serving overseas can relate to the truism of the post below: The life of an expatriate--missionary life…

4 years ago

Going Overseas? Prepare for Scars

Recently I sat with another missionary, stocking feet curled beneath us. We were reflecting on some of the more painful…

4 years ago

Sarah’s Story: Leaving (Again)

I cram more things into the suitcase, carefully wrapping breakable items in shirts and sweaters.  Piles of our life slowly…

4 years ago

How to Say, “Hey, Kids. We’re Moving Overseas”

Editor's note: When God begins to pull your hearts in an overseas direction, that potential decision is inevitably a life-shifting…

4 years ago

Dotsie’s Story: Culture Shock, and Making Change

Change doesn’t come easily for me. Or more plainly put, I just don’t like change. Give me a quiet routine…

4 years ago

Wise Men & Your Path Abroad: “We Have Come to Worship Him”

. Wise men. There's a lot of beautiful mystery in the story of the magi. I picture camel hooves sponging…

5 years ago

10 Realities a Missionary Probably Won’t Tell You

Go. Serve. Love is psyched about featuring this post from missionary Joe Holman; it originally posted on his blog and…

5 years ago