
Language Learning: Why to Speak their Heart-Language, Part II

Missed Part I? Grab it here. My husband and I sat with a friend who'd spent years in Japan as…

2 years ago

Heart Language: Why to Learn Theirs, Even if They Speak Yours

When we came back to our passport country on home assignment, people were curious. "If Ugandans speak English, why do…

2 years ago

Marketplace missions: 4.13 billion reasons to consider

Go. Serve. Love's always pretty hyped to share marketplace-missions-related stories and thoughts from Marketplace & Development Enterprises, an organization providing business, vocational,…

3 years ago

Exhausted in Ministry: Pitfalls to Avoid

Allow me, if you would, to illustrate something from a movie I don't at all recommend. Maybe you remember Shallow…

3 years ago

Balaam’s Donkey, Missions, & Memos from a Workaday Missionary

Balaam’s donkey?! ...Yeah. You can’t be serious! People don’t even know what Balaam’s donkey is. That may be true. But…

4 years ago