
Arriving Well Overseas: Tips for a Great Start

In our efforts at Go. Serve. Love to help you in arriving well overseas, we’re posting from one of our…

4 years ago

Living in a Muslim country: How it changes me as a woman

I didn’t know exactly how living in a Muslim country would change me. I thought it would change how I…

4 years ago

Your Support Raising Presentation: 6 Pillars to Stand By

Editor’s note: We’re stoked to feature this article from another one of Go. Serve. Love’s round table partners, Support Raising Solutions. (Yes! That organization…

4 years ago

Pray for Your Mission Field: 10 Ways [Printable]

  [su_pullquote align="right"]“I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers to God…

4 years ago

Does Christianity destroy culture?

Editor's note: We're pulling this post from the archives to answer a key recurring question: Does Christianity destroy culture? Are…

4 years ago

This Mission is His: Timothy’s Story

Go. Serve. Love is happy to welcome Timothy, a student with Fusion, the dynamic missions program at Spurgeon College in…

4 years ago

“I Wish Someone Had Told Me”: 5 Things about Missions

In our efforts at Go. Serve. Love to help you look overseas with eyes wide open, we actually like posting…

4 years ago

Help! I don’t feel as “called” as my spouse

Editor's note: For this perennial topic, we're pulling some tips from the archive for all you spouses wrestling through what…

4 years ago

“What keeps you going?” The successes we remember

One morning in Guatemala, I walked into our office and found sitting around the table the regional leadership of a…

4 years ago

Raising Financial Support: Voices from Around the Web

Raising financial support can mess with your head. Yes, it can feel a little...naked. Yes, it can be awkward and…

4 years ago