
“Is there any way other than begging for financial support?”

Back in the day when my husband and I were first considering a financially-supported ministry, I was so stinkin' geared…

6 months ago

When People Screw Up the Gospel You Preach

My years in Uganda were pockmarked with many "aha" moments--those moments when everything clicked. Usually, I wished everything had clicked…

2 years ago

Raising Support: “I just don’t think I can take that kind of rejection!”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqwrUUAMrdY We know you can all channel your inner Marty McFly'. Go. Serve. Love is giddy to welcome back Jenn…

2 years ago

Language Learning: Why to Speak their Heart-Language, Part II

Missed Part I? Grab it here. My husband and I sat with a friend who'd spent years in Japan as…

2 years ago

Heart Language: Why to Learn Theirs, Even if They Speak Yours

When we came back to our passport country on home assignment, people were curious. "If Ugandans speak English, why do…

2 years ago

Downsizing to Move Overseas, Part 1

Go. Serve. Love is tickled pink to welcome back Rebecca Skinner, who grew up as a missionary kid in Latin…

2 years ago