
When People Screw Up the Gospel You Preach

My years in Uganda were pockmarked with many "aha" moments--those moments when everything clicked. Usually, I wished everything had clicked…

1 year ago

Discern God’s Will: 14 More Questions

Grab the first set of questions here to help you discern God's Will. Picture with me for a moment some…

2 years ago

Seeking God’s Will: 20 Journaling & Discussion Questions for Missions

What's God's will here? What do You want me to do? They're some of the biggest questions people face as…

2 years ago

“Communication with Teams is Easy!” Said No One Ever

The cushions on our new couch were still stiff as we sat in the living room of our apartment with…

2 years ago

International Church: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly-ish

ey'rehesT He believes what? She’s convicted about that? They don’t agree about this? You’re moving overseas, packing what you didn’t…

2 years ago

Cultural Frustration: Dealing with Potholes of Missionary Life

A global-worker friend from Nepal sent me a Marco Polo recently. She described a day of local handymen installing appliances…

2 years ago

Jeff’s Story: Life Lessons for a Better “Fruit Salad”

My family and I served six years in Guatemala when I became aware nearly all the songs sung in churches…

2 years ago

Verses to Help You Trust [FREE PRINTABLE]

When my husband and I headed overseas, my soul was one giant, multicolored ball of playdough. There was the largest…

3 years ago

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Overseas

The news sat heavy in my stomach: the weight of sadness, wishing the situation could be different. I'd just heard…

3 years ago

How Can I Reach Out to My Muslim Neighbors?

It's Ramadan. As our Muslim neighbors around the world pursue spiritual fulfillment, how can we lead them toward the intimacy…

3 years ago