practical tips

“Is Support-Raising More Efficient if I Present to a Large Group?”

Say you've got a fundraising trip scheduled to an area with lots of personal contacts--but not that much time. Would…

6 years ago

#BESTOFTHEBESTFRIDAYS: FREE Mental Health Assessment; 50+ BAM jobs

Free Mental Health Assessment (this month only!) before you go overseas Here at Go. Serve. Love, we offer you four…

6 years ago

2 Ways to Reach Out to a Muslim Right Where You’re At

A friend who served overseas once told me a story from her recent home assignment. She'd said hello to two…

6 years ago

“I’m interested in being a missionary. First steps?”

Maybe it's been chewing at you for awhile--or maybe the idea just came to you: Hey. Wonder if I could…

6 years ago

#BestoftheBestFridays: Reaching Muslims; Good from ISIS?; Corrupt Countries; Tech in Missions

Upcoming MISSIONS Events CALENDAR Missions Catalyst has put together an impressive calendar of upcoming missions events you just might not…

6 years ago

Beginning Packing List: East Africa

Wondering what to pack to go overseas long-term? It can get tricky. Every country has different items available...or not. (If…

6 years ago

Help Your Marriage Thrive Overseas! Part II

Missed Part I? Grab it here. Like going overseas, marriage is a form of faith—even more in God than in…

6 years ago

How Ready Am I? A Self-Assessment for Global Work, Part I

When I was 23, an editor position opened up at the publishing house where I was working. In the vein…

6 years ago