Asia/Middle East

#BestoftheBestFriday: Answering the Critics; Language Learning Infographic; Africa & China’s Unique Dynamics

Is Missions a Joke? Answering the Critics There are some well-aimed critiques being leveled at global work lately, which may…

6 years ago

#BestoftheBestFriday: Phases of Life Overseas; Wishing I Wasn’t a Racist; Time-release Culture Shock

Forbidden Roots Amy Medina writes compellingly of the seasons of overseas life. At the beginning, the remnants of your old…

7 years ago

My Story: A Day in the Life Teaching English in Cambodia

Today we're excited to hear from Judith, an Australian volunteer English teacher in Cambodia, who sent us her story. I…

7 years ago

My Story: Cafe 1040–and normalizing the exotic

All this isn't just talk: We want you to actually go there--and experience serving Him and loving them well. Enter…

7 years ago

#BestoftheBestFriday: State of the World

  Wanna know how God's working around the world--and where you could join him? This just in. 9 Things You…

7 years ago

Before Our Eyes: Where God is on the Move

Go. Serve. Love is geared up to be hosting John Needham of Sweaty Pilgrims today. John is originally from the UK…

7 years ago