
Heart Language: Why to Learn Theirs, Even if They Speak Yours

When we came back to our passport country on home assignment, people were curious. "If Ugandans speak English, why do…

2 years ago

Dry Days, Old Books, & Jesus Trails–Or, Finding My Own Revival

I picked it up because I was feeling dry. The well-thumbed copy of Bruchko seemed to call my name from…

4 years ago

Creative Celebration: Why It Matters Overseas

Editor's note: When you're far from home, celebrations can both intensify and improve that "fish out of water" feeling. Celebrating…

4 years ago

Global Missions Trends to Help You Work Smarter: Part 2

Missed the first post on Global Missions Trends? GRAB IT here. I don't know about you, but I do have…

4 years ago

Missions Trends to Help You Work Smarter: Part 1

Do you remember your first exposure to global work? At the risk of dating myself, mine involved slideshows, prayer cards…

4 years ago

What Racial Discrimination Reminds Us about Overseas Missions

Perhaps, like me, your gut sinks like a stone over the events of the last few weeks--precipitated by issues centuries…

5 years ago

Goma’s Story: A Real-Life Cinderella equips and encourages veterinary professionals and students to build relationships with others through the use of their veterinary knowledge…

5 years ago

Your Missionary Biographies Weekend Watchlist: Amazon Prime

Your life might be on lockdown in much of the U.S. due to coronavirus. Could this be the perfect time…

5 years ago

Goodbyes: Managing Your Painful “Lasts”

I recently spoke with a friend as she prepared for our church's Fall Festival on October 31. They're headed to…

5 years ago

#BestoftheBestFriday: I Wish I’d Known; Africa’s Evangelism Challenges

We're back with current need-to-know missions thoughts from around the web. What I Wish Missions Had Told Me Remember our…

5 years ago