
The Magi & Your Path Abroad: “We Have Come to Worship Him”

Wise men. There's a lot of beautiful mystery in the story of the magi. I picture camel hooves sponging a…

2 years ago

Marketplace missions: 4.13 billion reasons to consider

Go. Serve. Love's always pretty hyped to share marketplace-missions-related stories and thoughts from Marketplace & Development Enterprises, an organization providing business, vocational,…

3 years ago

Verses to Help You Trust [FREE PRINTABLE]

When my husband and I headed overseas, my soul was one giant, multicolored ball of playdough. There was the largest…

3 years ago

A Money-and-Missions Mindset: This Means War

Editor’s note: We’re stoked to feature this post from another one of Go. Serve. Love’s round table partners, Support Raising Solutions. (Yes! That…

4 years ago