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6 Missions Verses to Lift Your Head [Printable]

The gray of February has descended on many of you, and maybe you're wondering if death-by-fundraising-and-passport-application is a thing. But…

5 years ago

2019 Best Posts of the Year as You Look Overseas

We really like you people. In 2019, readers from 142 countries visited Go. Serve. Love. (Hear that? God is moving.…

5 years ago

Wise Men & Your Path Abroad: “We Have Come to Worship Him”

. Wise men. There's a lot of beautiful mystery in the story of the magi. I picture camel hooves sponging…

5 years ago

Steph’s Story: Searching for an Open Door

On Go. Serve. Love, we talk a lot about strategies to reach the 4.13 billion unreached. This month, we're geared…

5 years ago

Bonus! 6 Side Benefits to Fundraising

1. Continued maintenance of relationships. Let's be honest. Support-raising propels you to still cultivate relationships with that friend from high…

5 years ago

#BestoftheBestFriday: I Wish I’d Known; Africa’s Evangelism Challenges

We're back with current need-to-know missions thoughts from around the web. What I Wish Missions Had Told Me Remember our…

5 years ago

Embracing Limitations: When Moving Overseas Kicks Your Tail

Our family's support raising journey chaos adventure fell around the birth of our first child. By the time he was…

5 years ago

“Is Support-Raising More Efficient if I Present to a Large Group?”

Say you've got a fundraising trip scheduled to an area with lots of personal contacts--but not that much time. Would…

6 years ago

FREE PRINTABLE Infographic: 5+ Ways to Pray for Your Support-Raising

We know: Sometimes you want so badly to be DONE with support-raising, for the love of Mike, that your prayers…

6 years ago

What You Need to Know: Muslim Social Pressure

Ramadan began this week--and there's still time to pray along with us (c'mon! Everybody's doing it!) for the 1.8 billion…

6 years ago