
Sarah’s Story: Leaving (Again)

I cram more things into the suitcase, carefully wrapping breakable items in shirts and sweaters.  Piles of our life slowly…

4 years ago

When COVID Changes Your Overseas Plans

You planned for so many eventualities in going overseas. What if we can't raise all our support? What if my…

5 years ago

COVID-19, Living Overseas, & Answering Fear

It’s a small world after all.  Here we all are, gripped by the unknown of COVID-19. As coronavirus seeps around…

5 years ago

Coronavirus: Ideas to Pray for the World (Printable Infographic)

Print this here. As the world is turned upside down by coronavirus--how do we pray amidst a pandemic? R.C. Sproul…

5 years ago

Building Faithful Partners for Hard Places

By Rebecca Skinner Today, we’re excited to hear again from Rebecca Skinner. She’s an MK and  adult TCK from Central…

5 years ago