steps before you go

Why to Consider Counseling Before You Head Overseas

Did you know Amazon sold 300,000 InstaPots on Prime Day this year? True story. Maybe it feels like everyone you…

6 years ago

Raising Support: The Fear of Rejection

Go. Serve. Love is giddy to welcome back Jenn Fortner, blogger at Financial Partner Development. She's helped over 300 people get…

6 years ago

Raising Support: 2 Commandments of Sharing Budget Needs

Go. Serve. Love is doing a happy little jig today: We're welcoming Jenn Fortner, blogger at Financial Partner Development. She's helped…

6 years ago

Different Strokes? Marital Differences as You Look Overseas, Part II

Missed Part I? Grab it here. "Should My Spouse Go Through Language Training if Not Headed into Formal Ministry?" Someone…

6 years ago

How Ready Am I? A Self-Assessment for Global Work, Part I

When I was 23, an editor position opened up at the publishing house where I was working. In the vein…

6 years ago

He Said/She Said. You Say? “How can I know if God’s calling/leading me overseas?” Part I

I've written before that my husband's and my decision to shuffle our family of six overseas wasn't perhaps as clear…

6 years ago


Here at Go. serve. Love, we’re all about bringing you tools you can use to truly go there, serve Him,…

7 years ago

Worked for Me Wednesdays #WFMW: The Luggage Edition

. This week, we've got a few tips on packing. (Don't worry--there'll be lots more to come.) When my family…

7 years ago

“I want to go…I think. What should I do first?”

Jeff Boesel, Director of Mobilization for One Challenge, shares his story today. I sat there, phone in hand, gazing out…

7 years ago