why we go

5 [Printable] Missions Scriptures to Memorize You Probably Don’t Know

The journey overseas gets long, belabored with details and fundraising and emotions that somehow resemble peppering by a paintball gun.…

6 years ago

The Generation Who Can: Reaching the Unreached with News They Can’t Live Without

I'm writing today with a question. A possibility. As in, no, I haven't researched the tar out of this. No,…

7 years ago

Throwback Thursdays: Relentless Truth from Those Who’ve Gone Before, #3

St. Francis of Assisi (1182-1226) was born into a wealthy, worldly Italian family under the original name of Giovanni Francesco…

7 years ago

Throwback Thursday: Relentless Truth from Those Who’ve Gone Before, #1

People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget…

7 years ago