Hey, future global workers. Radius International provides training to those of you wishing to plant churches among unreached people groups in a pioneer context. This pre-field training to equips you to partner with Jesus to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached people groups.
Outcome-based training
What makes for a successful cross-cultural church planter?
At Radius we take ownership of our students’ progress. We want to make sure you’re developing your own heartfelt convictions about important theological and missiological principles.
It’s not enough for us to just “cover the material”. We wrestle through the worldview and practical implications of these principles for each of you in classroom and small group discussions. Our Mexico location allows you to develop the skills of culture and language acquisition, while personally developing cross-cultural relationships.
Designed Stress
Radius International uses “designed stress” to simulate stressful situations that arise on the mission field–more like a medical internship or a boot camp than a traditional classroom model.
We believe this approach builds the necessary knowledge, skill, and character you’ll need–and therefore prepares you to love and work effectively during the incredibly challenging environments you’ll face.
Another leading factor in ineffective global work? The inability to make necessary sacrifices in becoming true members of the community among the people group they are trying to reach. This includes the persistence and devotion required to learn another language with fluency as well as the attention, humility, and discernment needed to become relevant in another culture.
Our program is designed to bring these crucial abilities to the surface so you can develop godly attitudes and responses that will serve you well on the field.
Radius International now offers college debt payment up to $100,000 in student loans if you attend their 10-month training program and step into full-time church planting & discipleship work within 24 months of completing the course. You heard that right: Debt payment of your college loans. For real.
Contact Shelly at info@radiusinternational.org, or give us a call at 888-886-8036. And don’t miss Go. Serve. Love’s post from Radius International alum Carl Buser: My Story: Culture Shock, Mayonnaise, and the Last Straw.