My Story: The Little Temple around the Corner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today we’re geared up to welcome Lucy Tol, a summer intern with Global Frontier Mission. Check out the amazing stuff God’s doing at GFM on their Go. Serve. Love page!

Today, for the first time in my life, I stepped inside a Hindu temple.

The first thing I noticed was the air. Thick and heavy, like a weight on your chest. I don’t know for sure whether it was spiritual oppression, the power of suggestion, or simply the smell of incense that made it difficult to breathe. The temple sprawled out like a museum display, with little deities grinning out of marble boxes like painted dolls. Waxen candles glittered from dark corners of the room. Fervent worshippers, their eyes closed in prayer, muttered and moaned in unfamiliar tongues. Somewhere behind me, a bell clanged. I jumped and turned, tearing my gaze away from the smiles of statues in glittering gold.

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Radius International

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hey, future global workers. Radius International provides training to those of you wishing to plant churches among unreached people groups in a pioneer context. This pre-field training to equips you to partner with Jesus to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached people groups.

Outcome-based training

What makes for a successful cross-cultural church planter?

At Radius we take ownership of our students’ progress. We want to make sure you’re developing your own heartfelt convictions about important theological and missiological principles.

It’s not enough for us to just “cover the material”. We wrestle through the worldview and practical implications of these principles for each of you in classroom and small group discussions. Our Mexico location allows you to develop the skills of culture and language acquisition, while personally developing cross-cultural relationships. read more