Trends in Missions to Help You Work Smarter: Part 3

Grab Part 1 and Part 2 Here on trends in missions. Confession: I've never been that trendy of a person.…

4 years ago

Global Missions Trends to Help You Work Smarter: Part 2

Missed the first post on Global Missions Trends? GRAB IT here. I don't know about you, but I do have…

4 years ago

4 Ways to be a Missionary without being a Missionary

You know the traditional missionary stereotype, don't you? Cue the slideshows, the table of artifacts, the altar call. To be…

5 years ago

B4T: Thoughts on Creating a Transformational Business

My youngest son caught me by surprise. Yes. I like the Business as Mission concept. I encourage it. But he…

5 years ago

3+ Don’t-Miss-This Sites for BAM and B4T

Editor's Note: Allow us to save you the Googling: B4T is "Business for Transformation."  Business as Mission.com explains B4T as…

5 years ago