global workers

“Is there any way other than begging for financial support?”

Back in the day when my husband and I were first considering a financially-supported ministry, I was so stinkin' geared…

6 months ago

On Sharing the Wins Overseas–and Ideas to Do It Well

"And that," I told the refugee students in front of me--tears hovering in my eyes as my hands lowered after…

2 years ago

Janel’s Story: When Helping Hurts (You)

The phone connection sounded a bit like Oliver, one of my closest Ugandan friends, was crushing newspapers on the other…

3 years ago

Dry Days, Old Books, & Jesus Trails–Or, Finding My Own Revival

I picked it up because I was feeling dry. The well-thumbed copy of Bruchko seemed to call my name from…

4 years ago

Meet an Agency: MDE

We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve Him,…

6 years ago