Back in the day when my husband and I were first considering a financially-supported ministry, I was so stinkin' geared…
"And that," I told the refugee students in front of me--tears hovering in my eyes as my hands lowered after…
The phone connection sounded a bit like Oliver, one of my closest Ugandan friends, was crushing newspapers on the other…
I picked it up because I was feeling dry. The well-thumbed copy of Bruchko seemed to call my name from…
We heart this ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve Him, and…
We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve Him,…
We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve Him,…
We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve Him,…
We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve…
We heart this new, ongoing series–a virtual trip to the coffee shop with organizations to help you go there, serve…