
Tough Overseas Transitions for Kids–and God’s “Treats”

"I'm not going!" My son sat on the floor, one shoe to his side, cheeks slick with tears. My heart…

3 years ago

The Culture Clash: Ouch! You Just Dented My Cred

There it was again: the culture clash. Yeah, I understand that you don’t like surprise changes in plans, I mentally retorted…

5 years ago

3 Tips for Moving Your Family Overseas

We’re excited to welcome back global veteran David Armstrong. He’s set foot in 15 countries, and confesses that Crepes and Waffles in Bogota, Colombia…

5 years ago

Don’t Leave Your Kids as Ministry Orphans

You're headed overseas and the excitement--and sense of purpose--is sweeping and real. Your kids may be struggling, but you've been…

6 years ago