
5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Overseas

The news sat heavy in my stomach: the weight of sadness, wishing the situation could be different. I'd just heard…

3 years ago

When You’re Feeling Like “Just the Trailing Spouse”

I've been feeling a bit of shame these days about being a “trailing spouse”. Since moving back to the U.S.,…

3 years ago

What to Expect When You’re Ex-pat-ing

One year after my family arrived in Uganda, I sat in a gentle sunrise on our porch, overlooking a corner…

3 years ago

Missionary Marriage: Ideas to Keep It Together

Years ago, my husband and I talked about how to help missionary friends on the field in struggles they were…

4 years ago

Help! I don’t feel as “called” as my spouse

Editor's note: For this perennial topic, we're pulling some tips from the archive for all you spouses wrestling through what…

4 years ago

Becoming a Missionary: Ultimate Preparation Checklist!

Editor's note: Go. Serve. Love knows the decision and process for becoming a missionary can very quickly become complicated--even overwhelming.…

4 years ago

How to Build Community as a Missionary Overseas

Editor's note: Tucked away in my family room sits a box made of exotic African wood, lugged back using precious…

4 years ago

Entering into a Cultural “Marriage”: Do I Need to Like the People I Serve?

Question. How important is it to be physically attracted to the person you want to marry? Obviously a person can…

6 years ago

Open Letter to the Spouse Who Doesn’t Feel as “Called”

Hey. Every situation is different, I know. But I've talked to a few of you. I've seen the strained look…

6 years ago

Why to Consider Counseling Before You Head Overseas

Did you know Amazon sold 300,000 InstaPots on Prime Day this year? True story. Maybe it feels like everyone you…

6 years ago