
Verses to Help You Trust [FREE PRINTABLE]

When my husband and I headed overseas, my soul was one giant, multicolored ball of playdough. There was the largest…

3 years ago

5 Ways to Protect Your Marriage Overseas

The news sat heavy in my stomach: the weight of sadness, wishing the situation could be different. I'd just heard…

3 years ago

When You’re Feeling Like “Just the Trailing Spouse”

I've been feeling a bit of shame these days about being a “trailing spouse”. Since moving back to the U.S.,…

3 years ago

One Way to Tell People You Love You’re Going Overseas

Seared in my memory is the moment we mentioned to my husband’s side of the family we were considering moving…

3 years ago

How Can I Reach Out to My Muslim Neighbors?

It's Ramadan. As our Muslim neighbors around the world pursue spiritual fulfillment, how can we lead them toward the intimacy…

3 years ago

What to Expect When You’re Ex-pat-ing

One year after my family arrived in Uganda, I sat in a gentle sunrise on our porch, overlooking a corner…

3 years ago

“Live Like a Local”: What’s it Look Like to You?

You are moving to a new country, and want to fit in. You want to learn the ropes and know…

3 years ago

For the Days You’re Out of Gas

Editor’s Note: This piece originally appeared on Rebecca Hopkins’ blog, Borneo Wife, when she and her husband served in Indonesia.…

3 years ago

21 Recipes for Food You Used to Buy

My first trip to the grocery store in East Africa was....overwhelming. When I got home, tears. Maybe it was worse…

3 years ago

Rhythms that Restore: Must-Haves Overseas, Part II

Missed Part I on rhythms of restoration? Grab it here. Six months into my family moving to Uganda, finding effective…

3 years ago