
This Mission is His: Timothy’s Story

Go. Serve. Love is happy to welcome Timothy, a student with Fusion, the dynamic missions program at Spurgeon College in…

4 years ago

Veterinary Fieldworker: A Day in the Life Overseas equips and encourages veterinary professionals and students to build relationships with others through the use of their veterinary knowledge and…

5 years ago

Your Missions Training: A Lot Like Pouring a Roof

Ever wondered how missions training becomes effective? equips and encourages veterinary professionals and students to build relationships with others…

5 years ago

Miracle in the Grocery Store: My Story

. Perhaps you've heard about God performing a miracle in the Muslim world, or bringing dreams to an entire community.…

5 years ago

My Story: The Armor, Your Battle and His War

On Go. Serve. Love, we talk a lot about strategies to reach the 4.13 billion unreached. This month, we're geared…

5 years ago