unreached people group

Counting the Cost in Missions: What’s That Mean, Anyway?

A friend and I sank animatedly into conversation at a recent Christmas party before even removing our thick jackets. While…

2 years ago

Marketplace missions: 4.13 billion reasons to consider

Go. Serve. Love's always pretty hyped to share marketplace-missions-related stories and thoughts from Marketplace & Development Enterprises, an organization providing business, vocational,…

3 years ago

4 Ways to be a Missionary without being a Missionary

You know the traditional missionary stereotype, don't you? Cue the slideshows, the table of artifacts, the altar call. To be…

5 years ago

Why marketplace missions? 4.13 billion reasons

During the month of September, Go. Serve. Love is pretty hyped to share stories and thoughts from MDE, an organization providing business,…

6 years ago