
Verses to Help You Trust [FREE PRINTABLE]

When my husband and I headed overseas, my soul was one giant, multicolored ball of playdough. There was the largest…

3 years ago

6 Missions Verses to Lift Your Head [Printable]

The gray of February has descended on many of you, and maybe you're wondering if death-by-fundraising-and-passport-application is a thing. But…

5 years ago

FREE PRINTABLE: 6 Verses to Encourage Your Support Raising

PRINT 1 CORINTHIANS 9:24-27 HERE. We know: The road can feel long in support raising, the discouragement real. Sometimes you…

6 years ago

5 [Printable] Missions Scriptures to Memorize You Probably Don’t Know

The journey overseas gets long, belabored with details and fundraising and emotions that somehow resemble peppering by a paintball gun.…

6 years ago