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It’s been a killer first year here at Go. Serve. Love. We are passionately committed to equipping you to go there, serve him, and love them in Jesus’ name. 

Where could God take you in 2019?

May you follow him unwaveringly–and with your entire being.

-The Go. Serve. Love. Team

God’s Will–and the Clarity I Didn’t Have

We weren’t clearly “called” to Africa…that I know of. Ever feel like clarity in your big decisions is elusive, despite your longing to do what God wants?

My Story: The 90% You’d Rather Not Hear About

“Life on the mission field is made up of 10% ministry, and 90% surviving. But people across the world, they only want to hear about the 10%.”

When the Rich from the West Don’t Know They’re Acting Like It

It is an attitude of superiority, a god-complex. An attitude that communicates an underlying assumption, intentionally or not, that the rich westerner is the one with power and authority and agency. As this is communicated, of course the opposite is communicated as well.

Free Printable Infographic: 10 Ways to Pray for Unreached People Groups

How can you make unreached people groups a regular part of your prayer life? We’ve got practical ideas and a free, printable infographic of 10 ways to pray.

My Story: Surrender–and the Dreams We Give Up

Surrender. Is it an end to a battle? The waving of a white flag? Resentfully giving up? Or could it begin a mind-blowing new life?

I Should Have the Gift of Evangelism” and 5 Other Missions Myths Debunked

Expose your missions stereotypes–and introduce yourself to new possibilities of overseas work. How could God use you over there?

John Chau & Missions Martyrdom: What have we learned?

Looking at the recent death of John Chau in his efforts toward an unreached people group, what can we learn? How can we respond in this tragedy?

8 Ways to Help your Family Flourish Overseas!

Some kids don’t take kindly to being ripped out of their neighborhood, drug away from their friends, and forever separated from their favorite breakfast cereal. But there is hope. You can help them to not only accept the changes but to embrace them. And thrive.

Your Career, Globally: Construction Management, a Day in the Life

We get it that sometimes it’s hard to know how your career and education could manifest over there. So today a construction manager from Engineering Ministries International gives you a “day in the life” glimpse of how his career has transplanted.

Start Here: Expanding your Heart for the Nations Where You’re At (Ideas #1-10)

You wouldn’t attempt to be a concert pianist without lessons, no matter how you were “called”. Here, cross-cultural lessons to expand your heart for the nations right where you’re at.

We want to hear from you. What would burning questions do you have as you head overseas? We’d love to address them in 2019. Comment below!

Go. Serve. Love

After seven years on staff with Cru, Janel and her husband packed up their family of six to--yup, Go. Serve. Love in Uganda with Engineering Ministries International (EMI). EMI focuses on poverty relief and development, providing structural design and construction management for Christian organizations in the developing world. After 5.5 years there in East Africa, Janel and her family recently schlepped back to the U.S., where they keep working on behalf of the poor. She writes and loves on her family from Colorado. You can find more of her ideas for practical spirituality and loving each other at

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Go. Serve. Love

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