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Is Missions a Joke? Answering the Critics

There are some well-aimed critiques being leveled at global work lately, which may make you question the validity of this work altogether. Amy Medina from A Life Overseas addresses some of the most painful and poignant criticism by authors/bloggers/podcasters like Corey Pigg, Emily Worrall, and Jamie Wright–the latter of whom writes, “I came off the mission field with a new mission which is to burn down missions.” This one is a must-read…and may explain a tiny bit of why Go. Serve. Love has recently released our self-assessments. Well done, Ms. Medina.

Most Difficult Languages for English Speakers to Learn: An Infographic

It’s a fascinating graphic that will help you know just what you’re getting into. Are you good with languages? Keep in mind that some countries, like Japan–whose unreached population (despite its government being open to global workers!) equals one-third of the U.S.’ total population.

How could God use your language skills? 

Language is one of the top barriers to the hope of Jesus being shared with every nation, tribe, and tongue. So let’s keep working on the problem. (Click here for more info on unreached people groups, and here for a sweet infographic to pray for them.)


How Africa is Becoming China’s China

Thinking of going to Africa? This is an important explanation of some sweeping political dynamics.

Like this post? Don’t miss our #BestoftheBestFridays page with all the latest on global work from around the world.



Go. Serve. Love

After seven years on staff with Cru, Janel and her husband packed up their family of six to--yup, Go. Serve. Love in Uganda with Engineering Ministries International (EMI). EMI focuses on poverty relief and development, providing structural design and construction management for Christian organizations in the developing world. After 5.5 years there in East Africa, Janel and her family recently schlepped back to the U.S., where they keep working on behalf of the poor. She writes and loves on her family from Colorado. You can find more of her ideas for practical spirituality and loving each other at

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Go. Serve. Love

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