Go. Serve. Love and its parent organization, Mission Data International, showed up a week and a half ago at Urbana 2019.
Urbana’s an Intervarsity-sponsored “catalytic event bringing together a diverse mix of college and graduate students, faculty, recent graduates, pastors, church and ministry leaders, missions organizations and schools.”
We asked one of our exhibitors, Rebecca Skinner, to give you the recap on what she’s seeing in missions trends.
Members of the Mission Data International team [including the author, right] at Urbana 2019, exhibiting to mobilize the next generation of global workers.
And who knows? You might even find some great resources for on your own mission journey.
It was an energizing gift to witness groups of people praying together throughout the Urbana exhibit hall. It was almost impossible to walk down an aisle and not see people with their heads bowed praying for God’s wisdom, discernment and direction.
Taking the fragrance and name of Jesus to the nations can only come from the overflow of an intimate walk with God. Attempting to do things by personal strength, no matter how good the intentions, will always be folly.
Shuffle prayer to the top of your own priority list–because it’s our privilege to interact personally with the Creator of this third rock, and to have his ear.
Partnerships are always evidence of the fact that we can do it better together as Christ’s Body. Taking the name and love of Jesus to all nations isn’t an opportunity for competition and one-upmanship. It’s a shared goal we accomplish in unity–Jesus’ last prayer for us on earth (John 17).
You might already know that Go Serve Love is a fan of experiential training opportunities. So much so, we have a whole tab of our Hands-on Adventures.
It was great to meet & interact with representatives from Global Frontier Mission and Café 1040 while at Urbana. I also enjoyed learning about the Bible training schools that are part of TorchBearers International, located around the world with multi-cultural classrooms and ample opportunity for outreach and service. In addition, the West Institute offers a one year Master’s degree program focused on personal application of God’s Word.
It was impossible to overlook the large number of apprenticeships and internships now offered by many sending organizations. Often referred to as mid-term missions, these 3 month to 2 year opportunities immerse participants in another culture, while working with an established missionary family or team.
These internships are long enough for participants to begin language learning, wrestle with true culture shock, and cultivate necessary interpersonal skills–all while getting a decent taste of cross-cultural ministry.
The hope is that coming out of an internship like this, participants will be able to make more informed decisions and that they would be better equipped to faithfully execute cross-cultural ministry for the long haul. To see internships currently being offered from a variety of organizations visit our sister site, ShortTermMissions.com.
Other helpful resources:
Heading overseas can at times be a lonely experience. But it was never meant to be solo. Be encouraged that God is mobilizing people around the world to go and make disciples.
Post-publication note: William Cheung was one over 15,000 students at Urbana this year. Want to feel like you were there?
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View Comments
This is great! So many equiping resources.
Externship vs BigInternships. Know the difference.
Thanks for the heads up! For those of you curious, I'll save you the Google search. An externship is "a temporary training program in a workplace, especially one offered to students as part of a course of study."